20 Best Clear Mind Quotes To Let You Collect Your Thoughts | TOP 20 CLEAR MINDS QUOTES | Clear Mind Quotes | Having a clear mind and a clear space | thefunquotes.com


20 Best Clear Mind Quotes To Let You Collect Your Thoughts

20 Best Clear Mind Quotes To Let You Collect Your Thoughts – I kept silent for a long time now it is going to roar to me like flood water and you think the man saying this is damn my god; You think it’s too terrible to be true, it’s too terrible to be true! But please do It’s still hard for me to keep a clear mind on this. But it’s true even if it didn’t happen.


1.If you have a clear mind . . . you won’t have to search for direction. Direction will come to you.
Phil Jackson

2.Mind changes, and as a result, the world changes. A clear mind heals everything that needs to be healed.
Byron Katie


3.Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.
Carl Jung

4.Love is to be nurtured, protected, and respected, and entered into with a clear mind and a sound heart.
Denene Millner

5.There’s no way that a clear mind can live an unhappy life.
Byron Katie


6.Clarity of mind means clarity of passion, too; this is why a great and clear mind loves ardently and sees distinctly what it loves.
Blaise Pascal

7.Clarity of mind means clarity of passion, too.
Blaise Pascal

8.With a clear mind that is reinforcing positivity back into myself and my craft, I am able to focus my energy on the task at hand and enjoy my experiences and day.
Allison Holker

20 Best Clear Mind Quotes To Let You Collect Your Thoughts

9.But it’s the truth even if it didn’t happen.
Ken Kesey

10.I would rather be of clear mind and decision with the wrong club than with an unclear mind and the right club.
Walter Hagen

11.The hard things in life, the things you really learn from, happen with a clear mind.
Caroline Knapp

20 Best Clear Mind Quotes To Let You Collect Your Thoughts

12.The world is perfect. As you question your mind, this becomes more and more obvious.
Byron Katie

13.To appropriately respond to an emergency requires a very clear mind, to cooly analyze what the observations are and how to fix it.
Buzz Aldrin

14.Running is one the best solutions to a clear mind.
Sasha Azevedo

20 Best Clear Mind Quotes To Let You Collect Your Thoughts

15.Just keep clear mind, go straight ahead, try, try, try for ten thousand years.

16.Never be fooled into believing that there is one speck out of order.
Byron Katie

17.But people of the deepest understanding look within, distracted by nothing. Since a clear mind is the Buddha, they attain the understanding of a Buddha without using the mind.

18.People first feel things without noticing them, then notice them with inner distress and disturbance, and finally reflect on them with a clear mind.
Giambattista Vico

19.Hungry people have especially clear minds.
Terry Gou

20.In the clear mind of virtue treason can find no hiding-place.
Philip Sidney


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