The relation of husband and wife is the most sacred relation. Everyone respects it and we should too. They both celebrate their wedding date once in a year and on that day a wife wishes her husband a variety of wedding anniversary wishes and husbands do the same. Today we have brought some famous and rare wedding anniversary wishes for husband which their lovely wives can use as a greeting for their husband.
Here, we have special anniversary wishes, messages, quotes and status for husband from his wife. Wives can choose any type of wish or message written here. So, let’s start with the anniversary messages.
heart touching anniversary wishes for husband
Happy Anniversary to the best husband on the planet! This is a new year to discover new things about each other and to create memories to last a lifetime.
I am so lucky to have you as my husband and this is the best day in my life. Happy anniversary to you my dear.

wedding anniversary messages for husband
A husband is just a title every man can have. But it takes a heart and life to live by it. You never failed to show me how much I mean to you. I love you. I always do.

I can still see the fire in your eyes. I can still feel the love in your words. I still believe in you and I still believe in us.

marriage anniversary status for husband in english
Our anniversary is just a momentary celebration but out marriage is a timeless one.

We may not have much but your love has been more than enough for me. I am with you always and love you for eternity.

short anniversary quotes for husband
I love you so much, darling husband. For all these years you have been my strength when I’m weak and helped me up when I fell. I wish you nothing but love and affection.

Happy anniversary to the man I want beside me every night for the rest of forever.