World Poetry Day Quotes | 15+ Messages
World Poetry Day Quotes | 15+ Messages – World Poetry Day is celebrated on 21 March, and was declared by UNESCO in 1999, “with the aim of supporting linguistic diversity through poetic expression and increasing the opportunity to hear endangered languages”.
1.A good poem also has the ability to hold together a broken heart and a perfect scattering.

2.Let us suggest our favorite poets and poetry pieces to our friends on this World Poetry Day.
Quotes About World Poetry Day
3.Reading a poem a day gives me a little relaxation that I need from my routine.
4.We look at World Poetry Day to encourage the age-old tradition of reciting orally, to read poetry, and to communicate between poems and diverse arts such as painting, music, dance and theater. Let’s restore.
World Poetry Day Quotes | 15+ Messages
5.World Poetry Day gives children an opportunity to familiarize themselves with poems and poetry in their classes.
World Poetry Day Quotes
6.When you find yourself short of words to express your feelings, speak a poem.
7.Poets and poetry are a big part of our literature and on this day, we tell our poets how much we appreciate them and their works.
Messages and Greetings
8.Celebrating World Poetry Day is a great way to encourage budding poets among us.
9.The beauty of the poem lies in the words, feelings and poets’ vision and also on the reader’s point of view.
Best Poetry Quotes
10.The poem tells you how poets considered the world and many times, their beliefs will blow your mind.
11.Poetry is an expression of our innermost feelings.
World Poetry Day Quotes | 15+ Messages
12.Poetry is the language of heart and soul and by appreciating poetry we are appreciating our existence.
13.Scripts and lines can be laid out clearly or they can be placed beautifully in the form of a poem.
14.The poem is a confirmation that we are all normal human beings who show us that the same interests, feelings and questions are shared almost everywhere around the world.
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15.On World Poetry Day, students can study poets and learn about different types of poems.
16.It takes attention, concentration and eagerness to understand the poet from his poem.
World Poetry Day Quotes
17.An excellent way to celebrate World Poetry Day is to read poetry and learn about various poets.
18.Poems speak only in a few words and this is one of its special factors.

19.Whatever language the poem is written in, its beauty increases.
15+ Messages
20.World Poetry Day is a day when classes have lessons that relate to poets and their poems.