Viktor E Frankl Quotes
Viktor E Frankl Quotes – Viktor Frankl is an Austrian pharmacist, neurologist, and survivor. He is the founder of ‘Logotheraphy’, a traditional form of medicine. He is also the author of the most popular book ‘The Search for the Highest’ which is said to be one of the best-selling books. Its theme is called the ‘Third School of Viennese Hospitals’. Frankl believes that even if the cause is pain, even if it is cruel, embarrassing, it still has meaning. He believed in conditions that man could not live in his soul. Frankl specializes in traditional medicine and is a motivational program for human psychologists. His ideas, articles, books, works, perspectives and his ideas allow you to find meaning in all the work you do. – Viktor E. Frankl Quotes
1.”In the end, a person should not ask what his biology means, but he must first know that he is the person being accused. In a word, everyone who is questioned by biology; he can only answer to life by taking responsibility for his own life; by life he can only answer by taking responsibility. “
2.”One thing you can not take away from me is the way I choose to respond to your work with me. The end of autonomy is to choose his soul in every way. All. “
3.“Most people forget about themselves – by devoting themselves to a project to work with each other or to love – the bigger the person, the stronger the The power of so-called individuality is not merely a goal, it is simply a matter of pursuit and loss. self. ”
Viktor E. Frankl Quotes
4.”It does not matter what we expect from the world, but what biology awaits us. We must stop asking about the meaning of life, but to think of ourselves as the those whose lives are sharp – day by day and hour by hour. the answer is not in speech and reflection, but in right and wrong actions. “
Viktor Frankl Quotes On Happ iness

5.”Those who have ‘issues’ to life, can still manage how’.
6.”Life is not difficult because of some circumstances, but because of a lack of meaning and purpose.”
Top 20 Viktor E. Frankl Quotes
7.”When we can’t change a situation, we challenge ourselves to change.” – Viktor E Frankl Quotes
Top 20 Viktor Frankl Quotes on Life, Love
8.”Humor is known to be more than just man-made, capable of being independent and exaggerating in other ways, even if only for a few seconds.“
Viktor Frankl: Life Changing Quotes
9.“We can not decide to write its length or number of pages. we have to judge a lot of information… sometimes the ‘unfinished’ are in beautiful songs. ”
Viktor Frankl Quotes to Motivate You
10.”Congratulations, as if you were in second place, as if you were wrong the first time you are working now!”
20 Breathtaking Viktor E. Frankl Quotes
11.”Everything can be taken from man but only one thing: the end of man’s special powers – to choose his soul in all its forms, to choose its own way. “
Motivational thoughts ideas
12.”I would recommend that the East Coast Award be included in the West Coast Award.”
inspirational thoughts
13.“Love is the only way to keep another person truly. One does not fully understand the true purpose of another if it is pleasing to him. Because of his love he is able to see the features and characteristics of the person he loves; also, he sees what he is capable of and has not yet achieved but must be very realistic.
Viktor E. Frankl Quotes from Successories
14.”Those of us who live in concentration camps remember the people who entered the halls to comfort some and distribute their last loaves of bread. It may be a little, but there is a lot of evidence that can be drawn from man but only one thing .: the last of man’s special powers – to choose his attitude in all circumstances, to choose his own way. “
inspirational quotes
15.”I will never forget a good deed that happened to me, and I will not hate anything bad.”
Viktor Frankl quotes on embracing suffering
16.”I understood how a person who has nothing in this world knows how to be happy, even for a moment, in the way he loves.”
Viktor E. Frankl Quotations
17.”It is not freedom from circumstances, but freedom to stand on conditions.”
(Author of Man’s Search for Meaning)

18.”A negative response to a different situation is normal behavior.”
Viktor Frankl Love Quotes and Sayings
19.”But there was no reason for the tears to be embarrassed, because the tears showed that this man was a brave and brave man in pain.
Viktor E. Frankl Quotes
20.”Sometimes the pain stops now and we find a meaning, like the meaning of sacrifice.”
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