Victory day of Bangladesh: 20+ Best Messages & Quotes
Victory day of Bangladesh: 20+ Best Messages & Quotes – The people of Bangladesh were given protection by the Pakistani Armed Forces during the 1971 Liberation War. The Victory Day of Bangladesh marks the victory of the Allied forces over the Pakistani army. The greater significance of this day is due to the fact that after 9 months of bloodshed, the nation was finally at peace. It is a national holiday in Bangladesh and is widely celebrated throughout the country.

1.16th December is a red letter day for the people of Bangladesh. A day that deserves to be celebrated. Happy Victory day of Bangladesh
2.The biggest fight for the people of a nation is the fight for independence. Salute to the brave army and people of Bangladesh.

3.Every war has results which affects millions of people. The Victory day of Bangladesh is a wave of joy which affected every citizen equally.
4.The victory day of Bangladesh is a symbol of the immense victory of good against evil! It was a celebration of the right against wrong.
5.Every fighter who sacrificed their life for the freedom of the country will forever stay at the heart of the people. Happy Victory day of Bangladesh

6.Each of the freedom fighter had sleepless nights trying to drive out the intruders from the nation. On this day, we showcase our respect for them and give them tribute for their bravery. Happy Victory day of Bangladesh
7.The people of Bangladesh are forever indebted to the supreme sacrifice of every victim of the Liberation war 1971. Rest in peace and thank you for everything, soldiers.
8.Independence brought with it a wave of economic freedom and greater opportunity to grow in the country. Happy Victory day of Bangladesh

9.It is that day in the year when we take time to remember the real life heroes who gave us the life we are living today. Happy Victory day of Bangladesh
10.The struggle for freedom was long and gory for the people of Bangladesh. However, the moment they achieved it, there was a sigh of relief in the entire country.
11.Let us take a moment to thank each of the souls that have allowed us to live on our terms. Happy Victory day of Bangladesh

12.Freedom of Bangladesh is a common victory for all the people of country and they make sure that it is used perfectly.
13.Liberation war was bloody and disturbing but the after effects of the victory has been fulfilling for the people of Bangladesh.
14.Happy Victory day of Bangladesh. Probably the biggest victory for the country ever and they would cherish the freedom they won from it forever and after.

15.Use the independence in the right manner as it comprises the hard earned tears and sweats of all the people of the nation who has been through the liberation war of 1971. Happy Victory day of Bangladesh
16.Salute the flag as the red ball in the national flag of Bangladesh symbolises the power of the country and also the blood that has been shed by our soldiers to get freedom. Celebrate Victory day with pomp and glory.
17.Victory day of Bangladesh is part of the collective memory of country. The greatest battle fought and won by the nation and its people.
18.Let us take an oath that we will not misuse the freedom given to us by the country. We will make each of the freedom fighter proud with the way we use our independence. Happy Victory day of Bangladesh
19.Independence of ours shall not cut the freedom of others. Co-exist and co-ordinate is the mantra of living. Happy victory day of Bangladesh
20.Our freedom was possible due to the support of India. Our youth got trained and we got freedom through our youths. Victory day is a struggle to be at the depth of our heart forever.
21.When the air we breathe in is a burden to the soul, it is the tie when freedom should come. Victory day of Bangladesh has just been the fresh breathe of air the nation always wanted.