Survival Quotes 2021
Survival Quotes 2021 – Survival is the act of living life through some danger. An example of survival is that a person is suffering from cancer. Fact or act of living; Continuous existence or life. His survival in the open ocean was a miracle; He was expected to die.
1.Your humanity will not be destroyed for being powerless. Your flexibility is your humanity. The only people who lose their humanity are those who believe that they have the right to power another human. They are weak. To yield and break, it is not incredible strength
Survival Quotes 2021
2.”Strength is not what you can do. It comes from overcoming things you once thought you couldn’t”
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3.”Your growth does not happen when you work hard to do something you don’t have, but live in the reality of what you have already given”
4.”Trauma makes the change you choose. Healing is about creating the change you choose”
survival quotes
5.”And here you are living in spite of it”
6.”If you want to know where to look for your contribution to the world, look at your wounds. When you learn how to heal them, teach others”
7.”Now I see how adopting our story and loving ourselves through the process that we will ever do”
Powerful Quotes – Survival Sayings and Survival Quotes With Images
8.”I am not what happened to me, I am what I want to be”
9.”Anyone can hide. Facing things, working through them, this is what makes you strong ”
25 Survival Quotes to Motivate You to Keep Going
10.There are two powers in the world; One is a sword and the other is a pen. A third power is stronger than both, women’s “
survival sayings
11.”Survival Psalm: I’ve fallen victim. I was in a fight that wasn’t a fair fight. I didn’t ask for a fight. I lost. There’s no shame in losing such fights. I reached the stage of survivor I have gone and am no longer a slave to a suffering situation. I look back with sorrow rather than hatred. I look ahead with hope rather than despair. I can never forget, but I don’t need to remember constantly. I am a Was suffering. I am a survivor “
20+ Survival Quotes ideas
12.“I am not a victim. No matter what medium I am, I am still here. I have a history of victory. ”
13.”Our wounds are the source of our growth”
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14.”When I talk about my trauma I’m not asking you to carry it or relieve me”
15.”After a while I looked in the mirror and realized … Wow, after all those injuries, scars and bruises, after all those tests, I really made it. I did it. I survived what left me. Was about to kill. So I straightened my crown … and went like a boss. “
Quotes To Remind You
16.”The enemy does not get a chance when the victim decides to survive”
17.”The remaining abuse shows us the strength of their personal feelings every time we smile”
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18.”A hero is a normal person who, despite enormous odds, finds solidity and the strength to endure”
quotes about survival
19.“Someone once asked me how I keep my head as high as I am. I said, “Never mind, I am a victim, not a victim”
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20.”You are not a victim to share your story. You are a survivor setting the world on fire with your truth. And you never know when your light, your warmth and furious courage are needed”
21.“You survived abuse. You will survive recovery ”
22.“Please know that you can get out and it will not always be an easy route, and it will be lonely at times. But it only gets better, life is too beautiful to trap and abuse it and hide it under shame. “
23.“So the survivors are often perceived as deprived of their experience, despised or deformed. Writing is an important opportunity for healing because it gives you the opportunity to define your reality
survival quotes and sayings
24.”Every time a woman stands up without knowing herself, she stands up for all women, without claiming that”
25.One day, I plan to love so loudly, my body bites every demon and leaves me
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