‘Stay Home Stay Safe’ Quotes & Images Safety Quotes 2021 Coronavirus


‘Stay Home Stay Safe’ Quotes & Images

‘Stay Home Stay Safe’ Quotes & Images – The outbreak of Coronavirus (covid-19) has been globally devastating. Of that we can all agree. With increasing casualties, concerns of press conferences, foreststables for small businesses and more expanded healthcare, there is not a lot of positive news to come out of the epidemic naturally.


1.“It is better to wear a mask than a ventilator; It is better to stay at home than ICU. “

2.”Those who gather together are shameless; those who play mahjong are courageous.”

3.”Cut a dish of a wild animal today, see you in hell tomorrow.”

4.”Pick up where you will rest – on your couch, in jail, in the hospital, or in an early grave.”

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covid-19 safety quotes

stay safe quotes

5.”An incident is just the tip of the iceberg, a sign of a much larger problem below the surface.” – Don Brown

6.”Working safely may be outdated, but those who do so practice it.” – Author is not aware

7.”Your employees learn by example. If they don’t see you practicing good safety habits, they won’t think that safety is important.” – Electrical construction and maintenance

stay safe quotes for corona

8.”An honest worker can do more than a personal suggestion to prevent accidents from the burden of safety signs.” – making paper

9.”Obedience is the mother of success and is dedicated to safety.” – anilus

stay home stay safe quotes

10.”At the end of the day, the goals are simple: safety and security.” – Pair Rail

11.”Safety is something that is between your ears, not in your hands.– Jeff Cooper

12.”The danger that is least expected soon comes to us.” – Voltaire

13.”Safety does not happen by accident.” – Author is not aware

‘Stay Home, Stay Safe’ Quotes & Images Safety Quotes 2021 Coronavirus

14.”Work injuries and illnesses can affect every aspect of life for workers and their families.” – Maine Labor Department

15.”You are your last line of defense. It boils you down. “- Kina Rape

16.”Luck runs out but security is good for life.” – Author is not aware

quotes 2021 coronavirus

17.”It takes leadership to improve security.” – Jackie Stewart

18.”Safety brings first aid to the uninhabited.” – FS Hughes

19.”Don’t think that because you don’t have an accident that it can’t happen.” – Security says early 1900s

20.”You don’t need to know the whole alphabet of protection. A, B, C will save it if you follow it: always be careful.” – Colorado School of Mines magazine

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21.”Carefully you don’t spend anything. Negligence can ruin your life. “- Security says, in the early 1900s

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stay safe quotes

stay home stay safe quotes

covid-19 safety quotes

2021 corona quotes

22.”Security is not expensive, it is priceless.” – Author is not aware

23.Not a gadget for security but a state of mind. “- Eleanor Everett

24.”Do not be prepared and restrained, repaired and repented.” – Author is not aware


25.When it comes to coronavirus, sometimes the tone is straightforward


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