Social Justice Day : 15+ Quotes Greetings and Messages | World Social Justice Day 2021 | Powerful Quotes


Social Justice Day : 15+ Quotes

Social Justice Day : 15+ Quotes – Social justice is a pre-requisite for peaceful and prosperous co-existence within and for nations.
Celebrated on 20 February every year, the World Day of Social Justice aims to recognize major social issues such as poverty, exclusion, discrimination, unemployment, etc. and promote ways to deal with such issues.
The day is to promote gender equality or to promote gender equality or to remove barriers to gender, age, race, ethnicity, religion, culture or disability by promoting gender equality or promoting the rights of indigenous people. Reminds me of the principles of justice.

1.The present and future of the nation depends on the actions of the youth and their power. Wish you a very happy World Justice Day.


2.”A little mercy can make the whole world less cold and more.” Wish you a very happy World Justice Day.

World Social Justice Day 2021

3.”Our life ends when we keep quiet about that day.” Speak on this world day of social justice and help bring change.


4.One should never be silent on one’s crimes. Speak up and stand up to ensure justice. Wish you a very happy World Justice Day.

Social Justice Day : 15+ Quotes

5.”We have the power to create the best generation of mankind in the history of the world and make it the best.” Wish you a very happy World Justice Day.

Social Justice Sayings and Social Justice Quotes

6.”Justice is a conscience, not a personal conscience, but the conscience of all humanity.” Wish you a very happy World Justice Day.

15+ Social Justice Quotes ideas

7.”Change does not run under a cycle of inevitability, but comes through constant struggle.” Wish you a very happy World Justice Day.

Powerful Quotes

8.On the occasion of the World Day of Social Justice we must remember that if you do nothing then you will fall for anything. Happy World Day of Social Justice.


9.”Give a hungry man a fish that he is happy with for a day.” Teach him to fish and he will never go hungry again. “Celebrate it by providing education to society and making it a better place. Happy World Day of Social Justice.

World Day For International Justice, Latest Justice Quotes

10.Once social change has begun you cannot undo it. This World Day of Social Justice contributes and helps in bringing about positive social change.

15+ Quotes Greetings and Messages

11.We should all walk with justice, love, kindness and humility on the occasion of World Justice Day. Happy World Day of Social Justice.

Powerful Quotes

12.Even when you cannot end your differences with society, you should still help create a common basis for making it safe for diversity. Best wishes on the World Day of Social Justice.

Social Justice Day : 15+ Quotes

13.The hopes and dreams of the world descend on people’s shoulders. Help bring justice to the world and nurture your dreams. Best wishes on the World Day of Social Justice.


14.On the occasion of the World Day of Social Justice, we must remember that unless dissatisfied people are greatly humiliated, there will not be justice. Happy World Day of Social Justice.

15.Whenever we encounter a dark movement it helps us to see the light. See Prakash and fight for justice. Best wishes on the World Day of Social Justice.

World Social Justice Day 2021

16.Justice experiences a death when the lie is repeatedly understood as the truth. Fight and stand truthfully on this world day of social justice.

17.To be free is not just to fall from one’s chains, but to live in a way that honors and enhances the freedom of others. Wish you a very happy World Justice Day.

Social Justice Day : 15+ Quotes

18.People should not be discriminated against when truth and justice are considered. Justice is one and dame for all. Happy World Day of Social Justice.


19.”Overcoming poverty is not an act of philanthropy, but an act of justice.” Support for poverty alleviation on World Justice Day

Social Justice Day Best Messages, Quotes And Greetings

20.”The more aware you are, the more arrogant and aggressive you will be.” Create awareness on this world day of social justice and help ensure justice.


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