Ricky Martin Quotes : Singer-Songwriter : United States

1.There is a very beautiful teaching in Buddhism that says that the worst thing you can do with your soul is to tell someone that their belief is wrong.

2.I don’t want to dream anymore, I want my life to be real!

3.If I spent a quarter of the time that I manipulated my sexuality instead of a piano, I would be the most talented piano player of my lifetime.

4.For many years I felt that I was bisexual. And then I would ask myself, what is bisexual? Does that even exist? ‘

5.I am a lucky gay man. I am very blessed to be who I am.

6.I canceled a show I fell in love with.

7.I need to tell the world what I am saying about my nature, because not doing so will teach my children to lie. I do not want to be

8.Ignore the ignorant.

9.When no one is ready we should not try to force them. People are being bullied and are committing suicide because they are gay and it is horrible.

10.My goal is not to think about anything when I’m writing a song because too many effects can sabotage a potentially amazing song.

11.You can be a sex symbol through music or film. Hey, there are some politicians who are sex symbols. Should you fight anything? No, sex is very natural.

12.I believe we need to bring a little Latino flair to Broadway. We have to keep it alive.

13.I just want my children to be happy. I want my children to be healthy.

14.You just have to get rid of the fear and face the world. Look at yourself in the mirror and say to yourself, ‘I love you and nothing will destroy you and you are not going to fall.’

15.I always wanted to be a father. I have a beautiful relationship with my father and beautiful memories. I always knew I was going to have a family.

16.For many years, the only place where I have been in touch with my feelings fearlessly, and that is the stage. Being on stage fills my soul in many ways, almost completely. This is my vice.

17.The rights of gay people are human rights, and human rights are for everyone.

18.Proud that I am a lucky gay man.

19.When you take things very seriously, you get old. You have to be stupid. Whenever people say, hey man, are you ever growing up? ‘When you know you’re doing things right.

20.I have felt feelings I had never felt before; It has strengthened me as a person and an artist.