Best Inspiring HR Quotes With Images
1.”If you think it is expensive to hire professionals, then try to hire amateurs.” – Anonymous
2.”Human resources is not what we do. It is the thing that drives our business.” – Steve Wynn
3.”Time hired, time well spent.” – Robert Half
4.”The hardest challenge to be an HR is that sometimes you have to become LAWYER, JUDGE and HANGMAN.” – Hasan Chaughry
5.”Children imitate their parents, employees their managers.” – Amit Kalantri
6.”The body can be bought with a paycheck but the heart is earned with a purpose.” – Angela Lynn Craig
7.”If you fulfill the wishes of your employees, the employees will fulfill your dream.” – Amit Kalantri
8.”If you pay peanuts, you get monkeys.” – Chinese proverb
9.”Rent Character. Train skills. ”- Peter Schutz
10.”In most cases, being a good boss means hiring talented people and then getting out of their
11.”To handle yourself, use your head; To handle others, use your heart. ” – Eleanor Roosevelt
12.”When people go to work, they should not leave their heart at home.” – daughter drunk
13.You cannot push anyone up the ladder unless they are willing to climb. – Andrew Carnegie
14.”The more you take your development seriously, the more seriously your people will take you.” – John Maxwell
15.When people are financially invested, they want a return. When people are emotionally invested, they want to contribute. Simon sinek