Ambedkar Jayanti 2021 Wishes and Quotes
Ambedkar Jayanti 2021 Wishes and Quotes – Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar (14 April 1891 – 6 December 1956), also known as Babasaheb Ambedkar, was an Indian jurist, economist, politician and social reformer who inspired the Dalit Buddhist movement and against the untouchables (Dalits) Campaigned against social discrimination. He was the Labor Minister of British India in the Viceroy’s Executive Council, was a member of the Constitution Drafting Committee, was the first Minister of Law and Justice of Independent India, and was considered the chief architect of the Constitution of India.
1.”The Constitution is not merely a document of lawyers, it is a vehicle of life, and its soul is always the spirit of age.”

2.”Equality may be a fantasy, but it should be accepted in principle.”
3.”Law and order is the medicine of body politics and when the body becomes politically ill, medicine should be administered.”
Ambedkar Jayanti 2021 Wishes and Quotes
4.He said, ‘Just being a voter is not enough. It is necessary to be the creator of the law; Otherwise, those who can be the creators of the law will be the masters of those who can only be electors. “

5.”A great man is different from an eminent person in that he is ready to be a servant of society.”

6.”Law and order is the medicine of body politics and when the body becomes politically ill, medicine should be administered.”
Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar Jayanti Messages and Images
7.”Cultivation of the mind should be the ultimate objective of human existence.”

8.”I like the religion that teaches freedom, equality and fraternity.”

9.”Life should be great instead of long.”
Ambedkar Jayanti 2021 Wishes and Quotes
10.”Apathy is the worst disease affecting people.”
patriotic quotes
11.”I measure the progress of a community by the degree of progress achieved by women.”

12.“Until you achieve social freedom, you do not benefit from any freedom provided by law.
Ambedkar Jayanti 2021 Wishes
13.”Be educated, stay organized and excited”
14.”If we want to create a unified modern India, then the sovereignty of scriptures of all religions must end.”

15.”Man is mortal. So there are thoughts. An idea needs diffusion because a plant needs water. Otherwise, both will die and die.”