osho quotes in hindi
osho quotes in hindi: Osho, also known as Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, was a spiritual teacher and guru who gained worldwide recognition for his teachings on meditation, mindfulness, and inner transformation. He had a unique approach to spirituality and was known for his controversial and thought-provoking ideas. His teachings have inspired millions of people around the world to seek inner peace and spiritual enlightenment.
Osho was known for his profound and insightful quotes, which are popular among people of all ages and backgrounds. His quotes are not only inspiring but also thought-provoking and challenging. In this blog, we will explore some of the most famous Osho quotes in Hindi and their meanings.
- “जो कुछ आपके पास है, उससे संतुष्ट रहिए।” (Be content with what you have.)
This quote emphasizes the importance of contentment and gratitude in our lives. It reminds us that we should be grateful for what we have instead of always striving for more. Osho believed that true happiness comes from within and that material possessions can never bring us lasting happiness.
- “बदलाव के बिना प्रगति नहीं होती।” (There can be no progress without change.)
This quote encourages us to embrace change and to see it as an opportunity for growth and progress. Osho believed that change is a natural part of life and that we should embrace it instead of resisting it.
- “आप जो कुछ भी सोचते हैं, वह आप हो जाते हैं।” (You become what you think.)
This quote highlights the power of our thoughts and the impact they have on our lives. Osho believed that our thoughts shape our reality and that we should be mindful of the thoughts we entertain.
- जो कुछ आप करते हैं, वह आपका धर्म है।” (What you do is your religion.)
This quote emphasizes the importance of action and the role it plays in shaping our spiritual lives. Osho believed that our actions are a reflection of our inner beliefs and that we should strive to live in accordance with our values.

osho quotes on happiness
- “जब आप अपने दिमाग को खाली करते हैं, तब सब कुछ संभव होता है।” (When you empty your mind, everything is possible.)
This quote highlights the power of meditation and mindfulness in helping us to achieve inner peace and clarity. Osho believed that by emptying our minds of thoughts and distractions, we can tap into our inner wisdom and creativity.
- “आपके लिए सबसे बड़ी खुशी आपके अंदर होती है।” (The greatest happiness for you is within you.)
This quote emphasizes the importance of finding happiness within ourselves rather than seeking it outside of ourselves. Osho believed that true happiness comes from within and that we should cultivate a deep sense of inner peace and contentment.
- “आपका जो अंतर्यामी है, उसे सुनें।” (Listen to your inner voice.)
This quote encourages us to trust our inner guidance and to listen to our intuition. Osho believed that we all have an inner voice that can guide us towards our true purpose and calling in life.
- “बिना विश्वास के कुछ भी संभव नहीं है।” (Nothing is possible without faith.)
This quote highlights the importance of faith in achieving our goals and aspirations. Osho believed that faith gives us the courage and determination to overcome obstacles and to pursue our dreams.
- “जीवन का सबसे बड़ा अनुभव है अपने आप से मुलाकात करना।” (The greatest experience in life is to meet oneself.)
This quote emphasizes the importance of self-reflection and self-awareness in our personal growth and development. Osho believed that by taking the time to introspect and connect with our true selves, we can gain a deeper understanding of our purpose and meaning in life.
- हर दुख एक सुख की ओर ले जाता है।” (Every pain leads to a pleasure.)
This quote highlights the transformative power of pain and suffering in our lives. Osho believed that our struggles and challenges can ultimately lead us to greater wisdom and inner peace.

osho quotes on life
- “जीवन एक संग्राम है, उसे स्वीकार करो।” (Life is a struggle, accept it.)
This quote reminds us that life is not always easy and that we will inevitably face challenges and obstacles along the way. Osho believed that by accepting the struggles and difficulties in life, we can develop greater resilience and strength to overcome them.
- “जब आप अपनी जद में आ जाते हैं, तब सब कुछ सुखद हो जाता है।” (When you come to your root, everything becomes pleasurable.)
This quote emphasizes the importance of connecting with our true selves and our deepest desires. Osho believed that by aligning with our authentic selves, we can experience a sense of joy and fulfillment in all aspects of our lives.
- आपकी खुशी आपके हाथ में है।” (Your happiness is in your hands.)
This quote highlights the importance of taking responsibility for our own happiness and well-being. Osho believed that we have the power to create our own happiness by cultivating positive thoughts and emotions and by taking action towards our goals and aspirations.
- “विचारों की धारा तोड़ने से तब तक तुम्हारे विचार तुम्हारे दुखों का कारण रहेंगे।” (As long as you are breaking the stream of thoughts, your thoughts will remain the cause of your suffering.)
This quote emphasizes the importance of mindfulness and awareness in our thought processes. Osho believed that by observing our thoughts and breaking free from negative patterns, we can overcome suffering and achieve greater peace and clarity.
- “समय अनंत होता है, लेकिन जिंदगी नहीं।” (Time is infinite, but life is not.)
This quote reminds us of the preciousness of life and the importance of making the most of our time on earth. Osho believed that by living in the present moment and fully embracing each experience, we can create a life that is meaningful and fulfilling.
osho quotes on love
- “जीवन में सुख-दुख दोनों ही होते हैं, उन्हें स्वीकार करें।” (In life, there are both happiness and sorrow, accept them.)
This quote emphasizes the importance of accepting both the positive and negative aspects of life. Osho believed that by embracing all of our experiences, we can cultivate a sense of equanimity and inner peace.
- “खुशी उस व्यक्ति को मिलती है, जो खुशी देता है।” (Happiness comes to the person who gives happiness.)
This quote highlights the importance of generosity and kindness in our interactions with others. Osho believed that by sharing our joy and positivity with those around us, we can create a ripple effect of happiness and positivity.
- “जीवन को सफल बनाने के लिए, आपको अपनी पसंद का काम करना होगा।” (To make life successful, you have to do the work you love.)
This quote emphasizes the importance of pursuing our passions and doing work that brings us joy and fulfillment. Osho believed that by aligning our careers with our true selves, we can create a life that is meaningful and rewarding.
- “अच्छा इंसान वह होता है, जो सबसे ज्यादा उसे मिलता है जो वह चाहता है।” (A good person is someone who gets what he wants the most.)
This quote emphasizes the importance of authenticity and honesty in our interactions with others. Osho believed that by being true to ourselves and our desires, we can create authentic relationships and live a fulfilling life.
- “जब आपको संघर्ष करना हो, तो उसे करें।” (When you have to struggle, do it.)
This quote emphasizes the importance of perseverance and determination in achieving our goals. Osho believed that by embracing our struggles and challenges, we can develop greater strength and resilience to overcome them.

osho quotes on togetherness(osho quotes in hindi)
- “वास्तविकता से सामना करना सीखें।” (Learn to confront reality.)
This quote emphasizes the importance of facing and accepting the truth of our experiences, even when they may be difficult or uncomfortable. Osho believed that by confronting reality, we can free ourselves from illusions and delusions that may hold us back.
- “जीवन में अधिकतर समस्याओं का हल है तो इंतज़ार नहीं करना, समस्याओं से बचने के लिए दौड़ना शुरू करें।” (If most problems in life have a solution, don’t wait, start running to avoid them.)
This quote emphasizes the importance of taking action and finding solutions to our problems, rather than waiting for them to resolve themselves. Osho believed that by taking proactive steps to address our challenges, we can overcome them more effectively.
- “जीवन में कुछ भी असंभव नहीं है।” (Nothing is impossible in life.)
This quote emphasizes the limitless potential of human beings to achieve greatness and overcome obstacles. Osho believed that by cultivating a positive mindset and a willingness to take risks, we can accomplish anything we set our minds to.
- “विवेक से व्यवहार करें।” (Act with discretion.)
This quote emphasizes the importance of making wise and informed choices in our actions and behaviors. Osho believed that by acting with discretion and awareness, we can avoid unnecessary suffering and create greater harmony in our lives.
- “जब तक आप अपने दिल के साथ जुड़े नहीं होंगे, आपका जीवन अधूरा होगा।” (Until you are connected with your heart, your life will be incomplete.)
This quote emphasizes the importance of cultivating a deep and authentic connection with our inner selves. Osho believed that by listening to our hearts and following our intuition, we can live a life that is true to our deepest desires and aspirations.
In summary, Osho’s quotes in Hindi offer profound wisdom and insight on living a fulfilling and meaningful life. By incorporating these teachings into our daily lives, we can cultivate greater self-awareness, inner peace, and a deeper sense of purpose and meaning.