Top 30 Sadhguru Quotes For Better Life 2020
Desire’s ultimate goal is unboundedness, the infinite nature, but because you are unaware you are giving it an unconscious expression for the longing that is wanting to become unbounded, you can’t destroy your desire, you have to make your desire into a conscious process
Only because human beings are not living according to their human nature, they have to think up good things and they think of these good things which are unbearable for lots of people.
If your humanity flowers, what is needed will anyway happen, you don’t have to think of doing ‘good things’. Like if a flower blossoms, you don’t have to tell it shoot the fragrance in the air; it will anyway happen, nobody can stop it
Once your sexuality gets into your head, that’s called perversion. If it’s in the body, it’s a natural process
If you just become love, not love somebody then you will know the nature of love.
Forget about others. You learn to be loving by your own nature, not because of somebody else or something else.
To make a simple physical act beautiful, we have invented all kinds of decorations around it. Without those decorations most people would be unwilling to get into the physical act. Lot of people cannot simply face the basic physical act as it is, unless it is decorated they will feel it is obscene, they’ll feel it is basic – which is a fact
If all the seven billion people on the planet find access to the comforts and conveniences that an average American citizen has, we would need four and a half planets to sustain us. But we have only one. We are surviving only because there is a disproportionate situation.
Suppose I imprison you in a 5×5 cubicle, you’ll feel imprisoned. Tomorrow, we’ll liberate you into a 10×10 cubicle- you’ll feel good for a day & again you’ll feel imprisoned. Next day we’ll liberate you into a 100×100 cubicle. You’ll feel great for 3 days. It doesn’t matter where the boundary is. The moment you can feel the boundary, you want
For one who is fearful, darkness is evil. For one who is not fearful, darkness is the all-absorbing nature of existence. That which can absorb everything is also that which creates everything.
The problem (of overpopulation) is not small, but some people in a resigned way say, “Nature will correct it.” Yes, for sure it will correct it. The correction will be reducing the human population. But whenever human populations are reduced, you don’t see it as a solution; you see it as a disaster.
For all the other beings, everything in their life is set, Once you are born as a human, your life is in your hands, Nature has left that responsibility to us
The nature of life is such that if you unblock and allow it to flow, life is a beautiful experience. If you hold back, it becomes misery
In the very nature of things, life can never get perfect – there is always room for improvement.
In the very nature of things, life can never get perfect – there is always room for improvement.
The very nature of life is such – every life – whether it’s an earthworm or a grasshopper or this tree or this blade of grass, just anything, it’s only longing is to find its full potential. And that’s all it should be – that human being should find their full potential as a life.
Right now you are bouncing off petty particles (relationships, friendships, belongings) and these petty particles are giving you some relevance. But if you stop seeking that relevance and simply sit here, you will see a boundless nature which doesn’t need any context exists within you.
The way human beings are consuming food is costing all other life forms on the planet immensely. Conscious consumption is an important and urgent step towards a sustainable future
Water is not a commodity; it is life-making material. Being reverential to what makes our lives, is very natural
If we have love and regard for life around us, cleanliness is a natural expression
If you use more of anything than you need, on the overall scale of things, you are committing a crime against all life.
The very life within you is longing to be joyful because joyfulness is the nature of the source of creation.
For human life to flourish, all other life forms on the planet also need to flourish
What sets human beings apart from other beings is that- all animals are fulfilled the moment their survival process is taken care of. But the nature of human being is such that only when the survival process is taken care of- his life begins.
You cannot know life by breaking it into pieces, but this is the nature of the intellect
This is the intrinsic nature of life, that every life values itself for what it is.
We do not need concepts to run life. Life runs according to the fundamental laws of nature
Everything that this life is, is naturally happening to a certain law, if you understand if you perceive and if you know what is the nature of life within you, you can take charge of it completely the way it happens
We have disrupted nature to a point where even breeding cycles of birds are disturbed. We are rapidly making this planet inhospitable to life forms. We need to act NOW to revive our water and river systems.