15 Best Hannah Montana Quotes : United Quotes

1.In my defense, I saw those shoes first.
-Miley Cyrus

2.Jealousy to the brief, cuz we look fabulous!
-Emily Osment

3.My problem is that I am ten times better than you.
-Selena Gomez

4.You are true friends
You are here till the end
Someday you pull me aside
Talk to me now and at night
Al it’s fine again
You are a true friend
-Miley Cyrus

5.You are the only popstar I know that he cannot go to his concert.
-Emily Osment

6.You are not mean, talk to loot, finish hand duty!
–Dolly Parton

7.I do not want to leave my bed. My bed is my friend it gives me a warm blanket hug.
-Miley Cyrus
I do not want to leave my bed. My bed is my friend it gives me a warm blanket hug.

8.This is real life. This is not some Nicholas
-Miley Cyrus

9.Don’t worry, Lollipop. You could always marry with money.
-Arijas Moyes

10.You will never make it for me.
-Emily Osment

11.As I am how you want me and
I know i’m missing pieces
I am watching him
–Miley Cyrus

12.I am a teenager, we work randomly, and we get zites. What do we do this
-Miley Cyrus

13.Heat makes you ugly. Oops! Too late!
–Miley Cyrus

14.Everyone makes mistakes. Everyone has those days.
–Miley Cyrus

15.You sprout like a rose flower after a month of rain, not only as wet and twice as beautiful!
Dolly Parton