World Intellectual Property Day Quotes To Share On Your Social Media
World Intellectual Property Day Quotes To Share On Your Social Media – World Intellectual Property Day is observed every year on 26 April. The event was established by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in the year 2000. The day is observed to raise awareness about how patents, copyrights, trademarks and designs impact daily life.
It is also celebrated to celebrate intellectual creativity and the contribution made by creators and innovators to help in the development of societies across the world. On World Intellectual Property Day 2020, here are some of the best World Intellectual Property Day quotes to share.

1.“He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me.”
― Thomas Jefferson,
2.“If a man is keeping an idea to himself, and that idea is taken by stealth or trickery-I say it is stealing. But once a man has revealed his idea to others, it is no longer his alone. It belongs to the world.”
― Linda Sue Park,

3.“Knowledge is very vital in life`s transformation and transition”
― Jaachynma N.E. Agu,
4.“The history of patents includes a wealth of attempts to reward friends of the government and restrict or control dangerous technologies.”
― James Boyle,
5.“The precursor of copyright law served to force the identification of the author so that he could be punished if he proved to be a heretic or a revolutionary”
― James Boyle,

6.“Respect for inventors is the key for success of a patent system”
― Kalyan C. Kankanala,
7.The embarrassment of riches. Another reminder that information is not knowledge, and knowledge is not wisdom.”
― James Gleick,
8.I will lift you up to the greatest heights, for you are mine all you innovative entities and people.”
― Stellah Mupanduki,

9.“The last thing the public want at this point is a patent holder holding out his test, vaccine, or cure”
― Dr. Kalyan C.
10.“Inventors do not invent for financial gain, they invent simply because they love to invent”
― Kalyan C. Kankanala,
11.“Inventions cannot be judged on patent parameters, but patents have the ability to take inventions very far”
― Kalyan C.

12.“Most patentability requirements are concepts, they can be moulded to suit your invention”
― Kalyan C.
13.“Risk of patent infringement is relative, often wrapped and presented in absolute terms”
― Kalyan C.
14.“You cannot make one invent at gun point. Forget the movies, and think about pampering inventors, not threatening them”
― Kalyan C. Kankanala,

15.Ideas in your mind have no patent value. They must be expressed or reduced to practice before it is too late”
― Kalyan C. Kankanala,
16.“Inventors are honorable not because they make a difference, but because they want to make a difference against all odds”
― Kalyan C. Kankanala
17.“True inventors do not sit on their inventions”
― Kalyan C. Kankanala,
18.“Patentability requirements are essential components of the patent machine. If they fail, the patent machine fails.”
― Dr. Kalyan C. Kankanala,
19.“Requirements for patentability are like filters to weed out unworthy inventions.”
― Dr. Kalyan C. Kankanala
20.“Most granted patents are not patentable. They are results of crafty advocacy, erroneous examination or coulrable drafting.”
― Dr. Kalyan C. Kankanala