Wonderfull Quotes and Sayings About Camels
Wonderfull Quotes and Sayings About Camels – n Islam, Allah is known by 99 names. However, there is a theory that a 100th name exists, which is known only to camels! So, if you have noticed, he always has a knowing smile on his face.
Camels have been domesticated thousands of years ago. Then it was used for many reasons and people are still dependent on it today. The word ‘camel’ is derived from the Latin word camelus, the Greek word kamlos and the Hebrew word gamal, meaning ‘to go without’, which describe the ability of this animal to live for several days without food or water. At Buzzle we have put together a short compilation of some famous phrases, quotes and proverbs about camels, which gives us a chance to know some things in a better perspective.

1.Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God.
― Matthew 19:24 (ESV)
2.As a camel beareth labour, and heat, and hunger, and thirst, through deserts of sand, and fainteth not; so the fortitude of a man shall sustain him through all perils.
― Akhenaton (King of Egypt, 14th century BC)

3.Do not free a camel of the burden of his hump; you may be freeing him from being a camel.
― G. K. Chesterton
4.The barking of a dog does not disturb the man on a camel.
― Egyptian Proverb
5.The straw that broke the camel’s back.
― Arabic Proverb

6.Death is a black camel that lies down at every door. Sooner or later you must ride the camel.
― Arabic Proverb
7.It is easier to make a camel jump a ditch than to make a fool listen to reason.
― Turkish Proverb
8.No camel route is long, with good company.
― Turkish Proverb

9.In a way, I’d rather ride down the street on a camel than give what is sometimes called an in-depth interview. I’d rather ride down the street on a camel nude. In a snowstorm. Backwards.
― Warren Beatty
10.It is far easier for the proverbial camel to pass through the needle’s eye, hump and all, than for an erstwhile colonial administration to give sound and honest counsel of a political nature to its liberated territory.
― Kwame Nkrumah
11.The camel has a single hump;
The dromedary two;
Or else the other way around.
I’m never sure. Are you?
― Ogden Nash

12.If the camel once gets his nose in the tent, his body will soon follow.
― Arabian Proverb
13.A camel is a horse designed by committee.
― Sir Alec Issigonis
14.Better half a donkey than half a camel.
― Egyptian Proverb

15.If you want to keep camels, have a big enough door.
― Afghan Proverb
16.If you love, love the moon; if you steal, steal a camel.
― Egyptian Proverb
17.Good advice once was worth a camel; now that it is free of charge, no one takes it.
― Lebanese Proverb

18.One camel does not make fun of the other camel’s hump.
― African Proverb
19.Trust in God, but tie up your camel.
― Arabic Proverb