
TOP 30 FLAG DAY QUOTES 2021 | Inspirational Quotes Wishes & Messages | 30 Flag Day Quotes | Quotes about Flag Day

Top 30 Inspirational Flag Day Quotes with images


TOP 30 FLAG DAY QUOTES 2021Flag day is a flag-related holiday, a day designated to fly a certain flag or a day scheduled to commemorate a historic event such as the nation’s adoption of its own flag.

1.John milton
Th ‘royal signpost, which full high advanc’d
Streaming for air, like a meteor.

2.Henry Clay
The colors floating from the masthead should be the credit of our seamen. There is no protection for us, and gentlemen have shown it, but in the rule that all who raise under the flag (are not enemies) are protected by the flag.

3.Clarice Lispector
Today at school I wrote an essay about Flag Day, which was so beautiful, but ever so beautiful – because I even used words without actually saying what they meant.

flag day quotes

4.George frisbee hor
I have seen art and architecture, and glimpses of mountains and rivers; I have seen the sunset over Jungfrau, and the full lunar rise on Mont Blanc; But the fair view with which these eyes were seen was the flag of my country in a foreign land. For those who hate it, as beautiful as a flower for people as terrible as a meteor, it symbolizes the power and glory, and honor, of fifty million Americans.

5.Thomas pine
And when we see a flag, which is beautiful to the eye, and a feeling of lofty joy to consider its rise and origin, our national honor must be united with our interests so that one is not hurt, Or do not insult the other.


6.Wilbur D. Nesbitt
The union of hearts — the meeting of hands — and the flag of our union forever. – George Pope Morris
Your flag and my flag,
And how does it fly today
In your land and my land
And half the world away!
Rose-red and blood-red
Stripes for ever shine;
Snow White and Soldwhite-
Dream of good ancestors;
Sky-blue and candid-blue, shining with stars
Glorious guide of the day; A shelter through the night.

30 Flag Day Quotes

7.Jimi Hendrix
White collar conservative flashin ‘down the street,
Pointing at me with that plastic finger,
Soon I will fall and die,
But i’m gonna wave my freak flag

Inspirational Flag Day Quotes

8.Zebulon Pike
No further flag or medal is given to any Indian on any occasion.

9.Howard zin
There is no flag high enough to cover the shame of killing innocent people.

Inspirational Quotes Wishes & Messages

10.Franklin Knight Lane
I am not a flag: not at all. I am but his shadow.

11.Arnold Schwarzenegger
As long as I am alive, I will never forget the day 21 years ago when I raised my hand and took the oath of citizenship. Do you know how proud I was? I was so proud that I walked around with an American flag on my shoulders throughout the day.

inspirational flag

12.Henry Ward Beecher
If anyone asks me the meaning of our flag, I say to him, it means what Concord and Lexington mean, what Bunker Hill means; It meant the entire glorious Revolutionary War, which was, in essence, the rise of a brave young people against an old tyranny to establish the most important principle ever known in the world – men for their own sake and their freedom .

13.William J. Brennan
We do not punish the flag its insult, to do so, we dilute the freedom that this cherished symbol represents.

Quotes about Flag Day

14.Woodrow Wilson
When I think of the flag …. I see alternative strips of parchment on which the rights of liberty and justice are written, and stripes of blood to revoke those rights, and then, the corner In, there is a prediction of blue color. Which each nation can float which stands for these great things.


15.Henry cuiler burner
With your hat, as the flag goes! And let the heart speak; You are enough for a tear in your eye that you will not be able to erase.

16.Franklin Knight Lane
My stars and my stripes are your dreams and your labors.

17.Franklin Knight Lane
You are the creator of the flag and it is well that you are glorified in the making.


18.Adrian Cronoir
The American flag represents all of us and all the values ​​we hold sacred.

19.Joseph Rodman Drake
When his freedom from the height of the mountain did not raise his standard to the wind, he despoiled the Azure garden of the night, and set the stars of glory there.

20.Henry Ward Beecher
Our flag means that our father was in the Revolutionary War. It means the Declaration of Independence. It means justice. It means freedom. It means happiness… every color means freedom. Each sutra means freedom. Each star and stripe means freedom.

Top 30 Inspirational Quotes

21.John Philip Sausa
Red and white and starry blue
Is there a shield and hope for freedom?

22.Jeff Miller
The American flag, Old Glory, is a symbol of our beloved country, being tall and flying free on American soil for 228 years. It is recognized from near and far, and many lives have been lost protecting it.

23.Virginia foxx
The American flag is the most recognized symbol of freedom and democracy in the world.

Quotes Wishes & Messages

24.Woodrow Wilson
The flag of the United States is not formed by rhetorical sentences in declarations of independence and bills of rights. It is created by the experience of a great people, and nothing has been written on it that has not been written by their lives. It is not an emotion, but an incarnation of history.

25.George Washington
Let us raise a standard by which intelligent and honest repair can be made; Everything else is in the hands of God.

26.George M. Kohan
Ev’ry heart beats under red, white and blue ‘

27.Adrian Cronoir
Our flag is not one of many political perspectives. Rather the flag is a symbol of our national unity.

Quotes with images

28.James bryce
Patriotism does not involve waving the flag, but rather striving that our country will be righteous as well as strong.

29.Mike fitzpatrick
The American flag is a symbol of our independence, national pride and history.

Inspirational Quotes Wishes & Messages

30.Joe Barton
Our flag honors those who have fought to save it, and reminds us of the sacrifices of the founders and heroes of our country. As the ultimate icon of America’s storied history, Stars and Stripes represent the very best of this country.


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