Anime Quotes | The 30 Funniest Anime Quotes
Anime Quotes | The 30 Funniest Anime Quotes – Anime is hand drawn and computer animation originated from Japan. In Japanese, anime is a term derived from the English word animation, which describes all animated works, regardless of genre or origin. Outside of Japan, anime refers specifically to animation produced in Japan or to its general genre, which has since been adopted by a minority of works produced in other countries. – goku quotes

1.”The moment you give up, think about the reason you kept for so long.” – Natsu Dragneel
2.”When you miss your way, listen to the destination in your heart.” – Alan Walker
3.”If you can’t do anything, don’t do it. Focus on what you can do.” – Shiro
4.”Do as you wish. This is the true meaning of Anand. Happiness leads to bliss and bliss leads to bliss. ”- Gilgamesh
5.”Like sports, no matter how good things are in your life, there’s always something to keep you on your toes.” – Junichiro Kagami
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6.“To protect someone means to give them their place. Give them a place where they can be happy. “- Princess Lencia
7.”An outstanding leader should be passionate because it is their duty to keep everyone moving forward.” – Niko Yazva – anime friendship quotes
8.”Sometimes it is necessary to do unnecessary things.” – Canadian Xinguji
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9.”So I can’t make changes. Everything I do is half-ass.” – Hiroshi Kido
10.”Fools who don’t respect the past are likely to repeat it.” – Nico Robin
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11.”Life is like a tube of toothpaste. When you use all the toothpaste to get a final squeeze, that’s when you actually live. Struggle and struggle as long as you have life. ”- Mayon Sonozaki
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12.”No matter how difficult or impossible, never back down from your goal.” – monkey D Luffy
13.”We can’t waste time worrying about this if any.” – Ichigo Kurosaki
good anime quotes
14.”Those who cannot throw away something important, they can never hope to change anything.” – Armin Arlelt
15.”You should never give up in life, no matter how you feel. No matter how badly you want to give up. “- Canaan
16.”If you can’t find a reason to fight, you shouldn’t fight.” – Akme
Top 30 Best Anime Quotes Of All Time 2021
17.”Don’t think of other things, the only thing you can do. So master that one thing. Don’t forget What you must imagine is that you, yourself, are the strongest. You do not need outside enemies. For you, what you have to fight is none other than your image. “- Archer
18.”I didn’t let my fear control me anymore.“ – Maka Albarn
19.”You can’t always catch the things that are important. Letting them go we get something else.” – Kunio Yaobi
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20.”There is no regret.” If one can be proud of one’s life, one should not wish for another chance. “- Saba
21.”Power comes in response to need, not desire.” You must create that need. “- Goku
22.”If you are going to insist on gambling and complain when you lose, you had a better job on your game.” – Hatsu Kominato
23.”Sometimes I feel like I’m a failure. Like there is no hope for me. But still, I am not going to give up. Ever! “- Izuku Midoriya
24.”I too will get everything I want. Not because someone asked me to do it, but because I know in my heart that I have something worth fighting for. ”- Julis Alexia van Reisfeld
25.“Whatever you do, you enjoy it. This is the secret of life. ” – riding
Anime Quotes
26.”If you present yourself just for luck, that’s the end of it.” – Keichi Mabara
27.”A teacher does not leave his students just because things get tough.” – Harumi Kiyama
28.”Mastering the card you hold is more important than complaining about being dealt to your opponent.” – grimsley
29.”If your life can change once, your life can change again.” – Sanae
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30.”Future tickets are always open.” – Vash the Stampede