Stoic Quotes : The Best Quotes From The Stoics
Stoic Quotes : The Best Quotes From The Stoics – Stoicism is a school of Hellenistic philosophy founded by the Zeno of Citium in Athens in the 3rd century BC. It is a philosophy of personal morality informed by its system of reasoning and its views on the natural world. According to its teachings, as a social creature, the path of eudaimonia (happiness, or blessing) is found in accepting the moment as it presents itself, to control the desire for fear of pleasure or pain For, to understand and understand the world. Have someone’s part in nature’s plan, and use one’s mind by working together and treating others appropriately and appropriately.
1.”It never ceases to amaze me: We all love ourselves more than other people, but care more about their opinions than our own.” – Marcus Aurelius

2.“Be tolerant with others and strict with yourself.” – Marcus Aurelius
30 Stoic Quotes That Will Immediately Transform Your Perspective
3.”I consider you inauspicious because you have never been through bad luck. You have gone through life without a rival – no man can ever know what you are doing, even you . ” – Seneca
4.”Don’t delay your actions. In your conversations, don’t get confused. Don’t go astray in your thoughts. Don’t be passive or aggressive in your soul. In your life, business won’t happen. All about.” “” “This” – Marcus Aurelius
30 Stoic Quotes That Will Immediately Transform Your Perspective
5.”You can leave life now.” Determine what you do and say and think. “- Marcus Aurelius
6.”The main task in life is simply this: identifying and isolating matters so that I can tell myself clearly that outsiders are not in my control, and I really have to do with choices of control. Then I am good and Where am I in search of the bad? Not for the uncontrollable outsider, but the choice for me to like myself within… ”- Epicetes
Stoic Quotes : The Best Quotes From The Stoics
7.”No man has the power to be all that he wants, but it is in his power that they do not want what they want and put happily to use what they have.” – Seneca
8.”First tell yourself what you are? And then do what you have to do.” – Epictetus
30 Stoicism ideas
9.”Curb your desire – don’t set your heart on so many things and you’ll get what you want.” – Epictetus
10.”Nothing, in my way of thinking, is better evidence for a man’s ability than a well-organized mind to know where he is and give his company some time.” – Seneca
Stoicism Quotes
11.”That’s why philosophers warn us not only to be satisfied with learning, but also to add practice and then training.” As time passes we tend to forget what we have learned and work contrary to it, and hold opinions contrary to what we should do. “- Epictetus
30 Stoic Quotes that will Strengthen your Perspective on Life
12.”How does it help … heavier than bothering them to bother?” – Seneca
13.”When we are not able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.” – Victor Frankl
Stoicism Quotes
14.“This is our big mistake: to think that we are ready for death. Most of the deaths have already taken place. Whatever time has passed is owned by death. “- Seneca
15.”He who is afraid of death will do nothing worth a man who survives.” – Seneca
16.“If a man knows which port he sits on, then no wind is favorable.” – Seneca
Stoic Quotes : The Best Quotes From The Stoics
17.”If it’s not right, don’t do it; if it’s not true, don’t say it.” – Marcus Aurelius
18.”It doesn’t take long to debate what a good man should be. Be one.” – Marcus Aurelius
19.”Think of the life that has gone so far and as a dead person, what is left as a bonus and live it according to nature. Love the hand that gives you fortune and gives you Gives. Which could be more fitting? ” – Marcus Aurelius
20.”The best revenge is not like your enemy.” – Marcus Aurelius
21.”I only start speaking when I’m certain that everything I say is better.” – Cato
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22.”It’s time you realize that you have something more powerful and miraculous than the things that affect you and make you dance like a puppet.” – Marcus Aurelius
23.”If someone tells you that a certain person speaks bad about you, don’t make any excuses about what you said, but answer, ant she was ignorant of my other faults, otherwise she did all these Would not have been mentioned. ” Epictetus
24.”Life is too short and anxious for those who forget the past, neglect the present and fear the future.” – Seneca
Stoic Quotes
25.”We fear more injury, and we suffer more than we can imagine in reality.” – Seneca
26.”External thinking is not the problem. This is your assessment of them. Which you can remove now.” – Marcus Aurelius
27.“People are frugal in protecting their personal property; But as time ends, Ethai becomes most useless with one thing in which it is right to sting. “- Seneca
30 Stoicism Quotes ideas
28.”If someone can deny me – show me that I’m making a mistake or looking at things the wrong way – I’ll happily change. After me it’s the truth, and the truth has never hurt anyone.” ” “” “” – Marcus Aurelius

29.“Don’t explain your philosophy. Everyone.” – Epictetus
Stoic Quotes : The Best Quotes From The Stoics
30.”Choose not to be harmed – and you were not harmed. No harm – and you are not.” – Marcus Aurelius