State Of Mind Quotes | TOP 20
State Of Mind Quotes | TOP 20 – Peace of mind is essential for happiness, the ability to center the mind and handle daily affairs of life in peace and efficiency. It is also necessary for self-improvement and spiritual development. Explain peace of mind, what is the meaning of this word: “Peace of mind is a state of mental and emotional peace, with no anxiety, fear or tension. In this state, the mind is relaxed, and the person experiences a feeling of happiness and freedom. ” – State Of Mind Quotes

1.“There are people who think that things that happen in fiction do not really happen. These people are wrong.”
― Neil Gaiman
state of mind quotes

2.“One morning I woke up and was plunged into psychological shock. I had forgotten I was free.”
― Jack Henry Abbott

3.“In words are seen the state of mind and character and disposition of the speaker.”
― Plutarch
quotes on state of mind

4.“Smartass Disciple: Does stupidity a sin?
Master of Stupidity: No stupidity, no sin.”
― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity

5.How slight a thing will disturb the equanimity of our frail minds!”
― Charles Dickens, Oliver Twist
my state of mind quotes

6.“Nobody objected to live in prison
if already felt comfortable living in it.”
― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity

7.“You can travel without traveling, and you can not travel — yet travel. Being on the road is a state of mind.”
― Gloria Steinem, The Truth Will Set You Free, But First It Will Piss You Off!: Thoughts on Life, Love, and Rebellion
peaceful state of mind quotes

8.“Clarity does not always comes with experience. It does come with knowledge, with a proper state of mind. That is why the importance of meditation and literature can not be under emphasised.”
― Harshit Walia, Metamorphosis of the Demon-Fighting the Evil within

9.“I don’t know if what I’m afraid of is the state of the world. Rather, I think what I’m afraid of is the state of my attitude about the state of the world.”
― Craig D Lounsbrough
home is a state of mind quote

10.“Show me your hidden skeletons and I will show you closets hidden by my monsters.”
― Efrat Cybulkiewicz

11.“the damage that had been done was probably deeper than anyone imagined”
― Rob Jovanovic, A Version of Reason: In Search of Richey Edwards
quotes state of mind

12.“I was going to make myself miserable on this trip by being overly serious and overly self-conscious and overly self-critical. And Jake was going to make me even more miserable by being the pure opposite of all those things.”
― katherine center

13.“I don’t know if what I’m afraid of is the state of the world. Rather, I think what I’m afraid of is the state of my attitude about the state of the world.”
― Craig D. Lounsbrough
state of mind caption

14.“People are longing for happiness. You would not crave for happiness. As you and I know, it is a state of mind not in material possessions. If you are grateful, you would be happy. Because of Gratitude, you can open the door of happiness.”
Quotes About Finding Inner Peace

15.Wishing will not bring riches. But desiring riches with a state of mind that becomes an obsession, then planning definite ways and means to acquire riches, and backing those plans with persistence which does not recognize failure, will bring riches.
-Napoleon Hill
quotes about state of mind

16.Watch your manner of speech if you wish to develop a peaceful state of mind. Start each day by affirming peaceful, contented and happy attitudes and your days will tend to be pleasant and successful.
Norman Vincent Peale
State Of Mind Quotes

17.Happiness is a state of mind. The key to happiness is being able to disconnect your life from your perceptions. If you saw things as they really were, you would be happy automatically.
Frederick Lenz
Mind Quotes

18.Our state of mind plays a major role in our day-to-day experiences as well as our physical and mental well-being. If a person has a calm and stable mind, this influences his or her attitude and behavior in relation to others. In other words, if someone remains in a peaceful and tranquil state of mind, external surroundings can cause them only a limited disturbance.
Dalai Lama
happiness is a state of mind quotes

19.To me, true prosperity begins with feeling good about yourself. It is also the freedom to do what you want to do, when you want to do it. It is never an amount of money; it is a state of mind. Prosperity or lack of it is an outer expression of the ideas in your head.
-Louise Hay
inspirational quotes

20.“Be sure not to discuss your hero’s state of mind. Make it clear from his actions.”
(Letter to Alexander Chekhov, May 10, 1886)”
― Anton Chekhov