Orphans Quotes | TOP 15 ORPHAN QUOTES | Quotes About Orphans | ORPHAN QUOTES ideas


Orphans Quotes | TOP 15

Orphans Quotes | TOP 15 – Orphans, or young children who have killed both their parents, and are left to themselves, are in fact among the most vulnerable in our society. Worse, children who have been abandoned by their parents are forced to live the life of orphans despite being living parents. As young children, most people have the privilege of being nurtured, loved and cared for by their mothers and fathers – who refuse to struggle for orphaned children without the support of any parent.


1.Technical completeness is insufficient. It is an orphan without the true soul of the dancer.
Sylvie Guilm

Orphans Quotes

Orphan Sayings and Orphan Quotes with Images

2.Not everyone can be an orphan.
Andre Gide

orphan quotes


3.The orphans meet to choose their father, and they love him twice.
Adam johnson

Quotes About Orphans


4.Cares for who will bear the fight
Abraham Lincoln

Orphans Quotes | TOP 15


5.ORPHAN, n. A survivor who has been deprived of death by the power of filmed indolence. . .
Ambrose Birse

Orphans Quotes | TOP 15


6.The poem is an orphan of silence. Words are never equal to the experience behind them.
Charles simic

Quotes About Orphans


7.Families do not want to reconcile. You don’t have to look like anyone else to love them.
Leh anne tuhi

orphan child quotes


8.My passion is children, deprived of more children and orphaned children than just children.
Tim Tebow

Orphans Quotes | TOP 15


9.Vijay has a thousand fathers, but Haar is an orphan.
John F. Kennedy

i’m an orphan quotes


10.Do not let me take you on Sunday. If there is no Sunday in your soul, it becomes an orphan.
Albert schwitzer

orphans quotes images


11.I’m an orphan! “The constable cried a lot.” I’m an orphan! “~ Prisoner’s Dilemma
Trenton Lee Stewart

Orphans Quotes | TOP 15


12.And I, as I lived, die a slave and an orphan in a foreign country.
Mikhail Lermontov

quotes about orphans


13.The houses of evil likeness appeared like rows of disciplined, degraded orphans.
Elizabeth Hardwick

orphans quotes


14.The motto of life insurance – robbing widows early and orphans.
Ethel Mumford

orphan quotes images


15.Remember, Jesus constantly speaks of shame compared to a family of orphans.
Stephen colbert

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