Most Beautiful Lord Krishna Quotes In English : Krishna, the eighth avatar of Lord Vishnu, delivered the Bhagwad Gita on the battlefield to Arjun when he was reluctant to kill his own kin. Krishna represents love, wisdom, intellect and the 700 verses of the Bhagwad Geeta contain a vast sea of knowledge.
It gives us the message to keep doing our duty without worrying about the result.He is the god of compassion, tenderness, love and is one of the most popular and widely revered among Indian divinities.Krishna’s birthday is celebrated every year by Hindus on Krishna Janmashtami according to the lunisolar Hindu calendar, which falls in late August or early September

lord krishna quotes
”The only way you can conquer me is via love, and there I am happily conquered.”

One who sees inaction in action and action in inaction- he is a smart man.

”Fear not. What is not real, Never was and never will be. What’s true, Always was and cannot be destroyed.

No one that does good work will ever come to a terrible ending, either in the world to come.

“It is much better to execute one’s own duties imperfectly than to learn the responsibilities of another.

There are three gates to self- destructive hell- Lust, Anger, And Greed.

A guy is made by his belief. As he thinks, So he becomes.
krishna quotes on life

Change is the law of the world. In a moment, you become the owner of millions. In another, you become penniless.

Hell has three entrances – Greed, Anger and excitement.

Fear not. What’s not actual never was and never will be. What’s real always was and cannot be destroyed.

He’s no attractions can really love others, for his love is pure and divine.

I’m the beginning, mid and end of production.

The pleasure from the senses seems like nectar at first, but it is sour as the toxin in the end.
Most Beautiful Lord Krishna Quotes In English
Faith in Krishna is the best and safest course
Krishna Janmashtami Quotes
Krishana Didn’t make a mistake when he made you. You need to see ourself as a Krishna sees you.
Bhagavad Gita Quotes
We are never defeated unless we give up on Krishna.

Most Beautiful Lord Krishna Quotes In English
No one who does good work will ever come to a bad end, either here or in the world to come.

My concern is, not weather Krishna is on our side, and my greatest concern is to be on Krishna’s side, for Krishna is always right.
Bhagavad Gita
Your eyes s tole all my words away.
Most Beautiful Lord Krishna Quotes In English
Krishna is the biggest cheater for the people who try to cheat his devotees, if a person cheats a devote of Krishna even once, Krishna will cheat the cheater for many lifetimes.
Everything rest upon Krishna. .he is a supreme personality of godhead. Reading his past times, we will come to know about him, his glories.
Krishna sees everyone as a moving temple as he stays in everyone heart.
Lotus feet of Lord Krishna are so wonderful that whoever takes shelter under them immediately becomes purified.
Lord Krishna
Never trust anyone completely but Krishna. Love people, but put your full trust only in Krishna.
Most Beautiful Lord Krishna Quotes In English
Do not let your heart be troubled. Trust in Krishna.
I want to forget you but then realize that moving on also means accepting that some memories will stay forever.
Lord Krishna Quotes
But memories don’t bother you when, you love Krishna, with Krishna you will move on the worst of memories.
Most Beautiful Lord Krishna Quotes In English
Fire turns firewood to ash. Self-knowledge turns to ash all actions of dualities on your mind and brings you inner peace.
Man is the slave of money, but money is no man’s slave.
Most divine love is of Mother and son.
Lord Krishna Quotes ideas
You have the right to work, but never to the fruit of work.
The Key to happiness is the reduction of desires.
The soul is neither born and nor does it die.
If you want to see the brave, look at those who can forgive.
As a mirror is obscured by dust, so the intellect is obscured by anger.
They alone see truly who see that the lord the exact same time in every creature.
It is much better to execute one’s own duties imperfectly than to learn the responsibilities of another.
The day we surrender ourselves completly to Krishna, he will accept our proposal of love.

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