
International Day for Biological Diversity quotes and Greetings | 25+ Biological Diversity Day Messages, Quotes, and Greetings | thefunquotes.com


International Day for Biological Diversity quotes and Greetings

International Day for Biological Diversity quotes and Greetings – The International Day for Biodiversity (or World Biodiversity Day) is a UN-sanctioned international day to promote biodiversity issues. It is currently held on 22 May.

In December 2000, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the text of the Convention as the IDB on 22 May 1992 to adopt the text of the Convention by the Nairobi Final Act of the Convention to adopt the agreed text of the Convention on Biological Diversity.

1.Come forth into the Light of Things, Let Nature be your teacher.

2.Nature is not only stranger than we suppose, it is stranger than we can suppose.

3.Electric power is everywhere present in unlimited quantities and can drive the world’s machinery without the need of coal, oil, gas, or any other fuels.

4.After the final no there comes a yes And on that yes the future of the world depends.Experience is not what happens to you; it is what you do with what happens to you.

5.Belief creates biology.DIversity is what nature is all about.

6.Big whorls have little whorls, Which feed on their velocity, And little whorls have lesser whorls, And so on to viscosity.

7.I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up, live out the true meaning of its creed: we hold these truths to be self- evident, that all living being are created equal.

8.Biodiversity starts in the distant past and it points toward the future.

International Day for Biological Diversity quotes and Greetings

9.Whatever is flexible and flowing will tend to grow, whatever is rigid and blocked will wither and die.Let nature grow which will help us grow.

10.We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if mankind is to survive.

11.Each of us is responsible for everything to everyone else.The nature is main source of energy.

International Day for Biological Diversity quotes and Greetings

12.We have also agreed that in other places there may be a need to manipulate ways they » elephants use their space and interact with biodiversity.

13.We have it in our power to begin the world again.

14.We must convince and empower people to adopt the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity as their guiding principle,

International Day for Biological Diversity quotes and Greetings

15.Whenever people say we mustn’t be sentimental,’ you can take it they are about to do something cruel. And if they add,we must be realistic, `they mean they are going to make money out of it.

16.When the last individual of a race of living things breathes no more, another Heaven and another Earth must pass before such a one can breathe again.

17.It’s now widely accepted that a biodiversity-rich place, when properly protected, will seed biodiversity elsewhere.

International Day for Biological Diversity quotes and Greetings

18.There was a young lady named Bright, Whose speed was far faster than light, She traveled one day, In a relative way, And returned on the previous night.

19.That which fills the universe I regard as my body And that which directs the universe I see as my own nature

20.The flow from knowledge to action draws upon the complete person with his or her catalyst and synergistic potential.

International Day for Biological Diversity quotes and Greetings

21.The administration is not paying attention to the laws of biodiversity. It’s paying far more attention to the laws of political expediency.

22.I can’t imagine anything more important than air, water, soil, energy and biodiversity. These are the things that keep us alive.

23.Yet, despite our many advances, our environment is still threatened by a range of problems, including global climate change, energy dependence on unsustainable fossil fuels, and loss of biodiversity.

International Day for Biological Diversity quotes and Greetings

24.This is the assembly of life that took a billion years to evolve. It has eaten the storms-folded them into its genes-and created the world that created us. It holds the world steady.

25.The only biodiversity we’re going to have left is Coke versus Pepsi. We’re landscaping the whole world one stupid mistake at a time.

26.Within you there is a stillness and sanctuary to which you can retreat at any time and be yourself.

27.Listen with regard when others talk. Give your time and energy to others; let others have their own way; do things for reasons other than furthering your own needs.

28.Collective human actions are transforming, even ravaging, the biosphere – perhaps irreversibly – through global warming and loss of biodiversity.

29.If you were to destroy in mankind the belief in immortality, not only love but every living force maintaining the life of the world would at once be dried up

30.In a consumer society there are inevitably two kinds of slaves: the prisoners of addiction and the prisoners of envy.


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