Call Of Duty Quotes & Sayings
Call Of Duty Quotes & Sayings – Call of Duty games are some of my favorites; Not only because they are good, great sports, but also because you have more heart and mind than your first person shooter. To me, the quotes you show when your character dies add an important touch – who would have thought that spontaneous history lessons could reduce the feeling of defeat.

1.Any military commander who is honest will accept that he makes mistakes in the application of military power. Robert McNamara
2.Any soldier worth his salt should be anti. And yet, there are things worth fighting for. General Norman Schwarzkopf
3.Anyone, who really wants to go to war, has never really been there before! Larry reeves
4.As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the most praise is not to pronounce words, but to live by them. John F. Kennedy
Call Of Duty Quotes & Sayings
5.Wars are won by slaughter and maneuvers. More than usual, the more maneuvers he performs, the more he demands slaughter. Winston Churchill
Top 25 Quotes From The Call of Duty Series
6.Fighting for something better than living for something. General George S. Patton
Call of duty funny quotes
7.”Whoever stands up for a just cause cannot possibly be called a terrorist.” Yasser Arafat
Call of Duty Quotes & Captions 2021
8.”You can make a throne of bayonets, but you can’t last long on it.” – Boris Yeltsin
9.”You cannot say that civilization did not advance – in every war, they kill you in a new way.” – Will Rogers
10.”The tree of freedom from the blood of patriots and oppressors must be refreshed from time to time.” Thomas Jefferson
Quoted sayings in the Call of Duty series
11.“The truth of the matter is that you always know to do the right thing. The hard part is doing this. “Norman Schwarzkopf
12.A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but one idea survives.
John F. Kennedy
20+ Inspirational Quotes
13.Only the dead have seen the end of war.
Call Of Duty Quotes & Sayings
14.A leader is by example, not by force.
15.War does not determine who is right – only who is left.
Bertrand Russell
Quoted sayings in the Call of Duty series
16.All wars are civil wars, because all people are brothers.
Francois Fenelon
17.The purpose of war is not to die for his country, but the other bastard to die for him.
George S. Patton
18.In war, truth is the first casualty.
19.Do not forget, the path of the incoming fire is right.
Clint smith
20+ Inspirational Quotes
20.Never think of that war, no matter how necessary, no matter how appropriate, is not a crime.
Ernest Hemingway
Call of Duty War Quotes
21.Nothing in life is so soulful as to shoot without results.
Winston Churchill
22.A ship without marines is like a cloth without buttons.
David dixon porter
Call Of Duty Quotes & Sayings
23.The real and lasting victory is peace, not war.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
24.The commander in the field is always right and the rear echolone is wrong, unless proven otherwise.
Colin Powell
Call of Duty War Quotes

25.War is an ugly thing, but not an ugly thing. The degrading and degrading state of morality and patriotism makes one think that nothing worth war is too bad.
John stuart mill