
Social Entrepreneurship Quotes That Inspire Movement Making | Quotes from Social Entrepreneurs

Quotes from Social Entrepreneurs

Quotes from Social Entrepreneurs – Social entrepreneurs bring fresh new solutions to the world that change it for the better. But being an agent of change means going against the status quo, and this requires a unique combination of idealism, patience and determination.

Changing the world is hard work, but we have found that it helps to know that you are not alone. Whether you are starting your own social enterprise, positive change from within an existing organization, or are simply thinking of using social enterprise to shift your career in a more world-positive direction, the knowledge of those who Can give inspiration and inspiration in front. To continue.

1.”Poverty is not just a lack of money, it is a lack of meaning.”
-David Bornstein

Best Social Entrepreneurship Quotes With Images

2.”There are three qualities that each person must possess to achieve success: the patience of a monk, the courage of a warrior, the imagination of a child.”
-Sharad Vivek Sagar

Best Social Entrepreneurship Quotes With Images

3.”For too long, there has been a lack of information, opportunity and resources, they need to be a bridge.”
-Sharad Vivek Sagar

social entrepreneur quotes

4.Take decisions that advance your objectives”
-Oscar Aulik-Ice

social entrepreneurship quotes

5.”It’s important to know what you want to achieve with your investment before you actually invest.”
-Oscar Aulik-Ice

6.”Entrepreneurs fulfill many responsibilities every day.”
-Oscar Aulik-Ice

7.”Like other aspects of your life, setting financial goals is the right and right way to reach those goals.”
-Oscar Aulik-Ice

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8.”Finance is one of the biggest hurdles to overcome in trying to turn your business idea into reality.”

“वित्त आपके व्यापार विचार को वास्तविकता में बदलने की कोशिश में दूर करने के लिए सबसे बड़ी बाधाओं में से एक है।”
-Oscar Aulik-Ice

9. “Set a clear direction for your brand by setting your vision,values and personality.” -Oscar Aulik-Ice

“अपनी दृष्टि, मूल्यों और व्यक्तित्व को निर्धारित करके अपने ब्रांड के लिए एक स्पष्ट दिशा निर्धारित करें।” -ओस्कर ऑलिक-आइस

10.when the social entrepreneur’s commitment is met, a little goodness can change completely. ”-Jeff Skoll, Founder, Skoll World Forum

quotes on social entrepreneurship

11.The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. An optimistic person sees opportunity in every difficulty. “
-Winston Churchill

12.“Social entrepreneurs are not content to give only a fish or teach how to fish. They would not rest until they revolutionized the fishing industry. “
-Bill Dryton (Founder of Ashoka)

13.I am encouraging young people to become social business entrepreneurs and contribute to the world rather than just doing business. Making money is not fun. It is a lot more fun to contribute to it and change the world. “
-Muhammad Yunus

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14.Our imagination is the limit we can expect to have in the future. “
-Charles F. Kettering (American engineer)

15.”Every time someone stands up for the ideal, or works for the great improvement of others, or strikes against injustice, it sends a small wave of hope.”
-Robert F. Kennedy

16.If you have built castles in the air, then your work is not needed; This is where they need to be. Now lay the foundation under them.
-Henry David Thoreau

17.A reasonable man molds himself in front of the world. A prudent man molds the world for himself. All progress depends on the unfair man. “
-George Bernard Shaw

18.”Killing the dragon of delay is not a game for short-winded.”
-Sendra Day O’Connor

19.”We are what we repeatedly do. So. Excellence is not a task but a habit.”

20.The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who do nothing. “
-Albert Einstein

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