1.“I realize by being a teacher, I am making an important contribution to all the national development initiatives.” ― APJ Abdul Kalam

2.Let us remember: One book, one pen, one child, and one teacher can change the world.-Malala Yousafzai

3.Good teachers know how to bring out the best in students.– Charles Kuralt

4.Ideal teachers are those who use themselves as bridges over which they invite their students to cross, then having facilitated their crossing, joyfully collapse, encouraging them to create bridges of their own. – Nikos Kazantzakis

5.“Creativity is the key to success in the future, and primary education is where teachers can bring creativity in children at that level.” ― APJ Abdul Kalam

6.The teacher who is indeed wise does not bid you enter the house of his wisdom but rather leads you to the threshold of your mind. – Kahlil Gibran

7.The best teachers are those who show you where to look but don’t tell you what to see. – Alexandra K. Trenfor

8.“I am not a great scholar, never was a very bright student, became an average leader.” ― Pranab Mukherjee“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” ― Mahatma Gandhi

9.It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge. –Albert Einstein

10.Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting the kids working together and motivating them, the teacher is the most important. – Bill Gates

11.“I found guidance, friendship, discipline and love, everything, in one person. And that person is you.” ― Happy Teacher’s Day

12.“Without you, we would have been lost. Thank you, teacher, for guiding us, inspiring us And making us what we are today.” ― Happy Teacher’s Day

13.“You took my hand, opened my mind and touched my heart.” ― Happy Teacher’s Day

14.“Your teachings will never be erased from my mind.” ― Happy Teacher’s Day

15.“You accepted the challenge to teach me and I accepted the challenge to learn.” ― Happy Teacher’s Day

16.“You are my mind and education rock star.” ― Happy Teacher’s Day

17.“A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite imagination and instill the love of learning.” ― Happy Teacher’s “Day“Just wanted to let you know that you are the best and your way of teaching is marvelous.” ― Happy Teacher’s Day

18.Dear Teacher, Thanks for inspiring hope in me, igniting my imagination, and instilling in me – a love of learning. Happy Teachers’ Day.

19.You enlightened a thousand souls with the light of your wisdom and ignited in them the ever-burning flame of imagination. Happy teachers’ day to you!

20.Your service to humanity is greatest of all. You wear the highest, most respected title on earth, A Teacher. Happy teacher’s day!

21.“A good teacher is like a candle – it consumes itself to light the way for others.” – Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

22.“Those who educate children well are more to be honoured than parents, for these only gave life, those the art of living well.” – Aristotle

23.*I found encouragement and love in one person. And that person is you. Happy Teachers’ Day!

24.*You opened my mind and guided my way. Happy Teachers’ Day!

25.*The world would have been a lesser place without you. Happy Teachers’ Day.

26.Teaching is a very noble profession that shapes the character, caliber, and future of an individual.” – APJ Abdul Kalam

27.”Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.” – William Butler Yates

28.”I like a teacher who gives you something to take home to think about besides homework.” – Lily Tomlin

29.”Everyone who remembers his own education remembers teachers, not methods and techniques. The teacher is the heart of the educational system.” – Sidney Hook

30.If you have to put someone on a pedestal, put teachers. They are society’s heroes.” – Guy Kawasaki