Best Charity Quotes images
1.“There is no better exercise than reaching the heart and elevating people.” John Holmes
2.“Everyone is blessed when we gladly give and accept with gratitude.”
-Maya Angelou
“Everyone is blessed when we gladly give and accept with gratitude.”
-Maya Angelou
3.“A dog does not have bone donation. Donation is a bone shared with a dog, when you are hungry like a dog.”
_Jack london
A dog does not have bone donation. Donation is a bone shared with a dog, when you are hungry like a dog.”
_Jack london
4.Do I consider true generosity: You give your everything, and yet you always feel as if it costs nothing for you. “
-Simon de Beauvoir
5.Give “”, but until it hurts. “
-Mother Teresa
6.“I care about the religion of a man whose dog and cat are no better for him.”
-Abraham Lincoln
7.“Beauty is not what you are out there, it is the wisdom and time given to save another struggling soul like you.”
-Shannon L. Elder
8.“To ease another’s heartache is to forget yourself.”
-Abraham Lincoln
9.Being a person is about helping others. “
Argis Murai
10.“We make life by what we get, but we make life by what we give.”
-Winston Churchill