Attitude quotes for girls
Are you looking for a girl to express your point? We found the right quotes and messages in English, which you can share on Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp – or wherever you want.
You can choose the one that describes your perspective

1.”I have not compared other girls. There is no competition. I am the only one of my kind.”
2.”Good girls are bad girls who are never caught.”
3.”If you treat me like a queen, I treat you like a king. If you treat me like a game, I will show you exactly how it is played.”
4.”Smartness is a total beauty.”
5.”Good girls are those who can help people, bad girls don’t have time for help.”
6.”My mind makes me a girl, my attitude a bitch and my class a woman.”
7.”I taught your lover what you like.”
8.”You’ll find a girl more beautiful and more beautiful than me, but you’ll never find a girl like me.”
9.”Beauty is only skin deep, but the approach is to bone!”

10.”Be a girl with brains, a bitch with attitude, and a classy woman.”
11.”Not all people are fools, some remain single.”
12.”Their story is history, my story is mystery.”
13.”I believe makeup gives me.”
14.”Keep your heel, head and standards high.”
15.”Girls who don’t ask for much, they deserve it.”
16.”As usual you are wearing an invisible crown.“
17.”I can’t be the girl everyone wants, but at least I’m not the girl that everyone has.”
18.“Do not search for a man who can solve all your problems, he will not. Find the one that will not let you face them alone. “
19.”Sometimes I wish I could be a little girl again because broken knees heal faster than broken knees.”

20.”All girls want is a man who is taller than her so she can wrap her arms around his neck when they hug and kiss.”
21.“Make a girl happy. It is the most amazing feeling she can ever experience. “
22.”Every girl needs a good man who can help her laugh when she thinks she will never smile again.”
23.”You can’t compare me to the next girl. Because there’s no competition. I’m kind of, and it’s real.”
24.”Think like a queen. A queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another step to greatness. “
25.”No matter what a woman looks like, if she is confident, she is sexy.”
26.”A confident woman wears a smile and there is an air of comfort and pleasantness about her.”
27.“A girl should be like a butterfly. Beautiful to look at and hard to catch. “
28.”Why can’t mosquitoes suck my fat?”
29.”Whatever you want to be, be the girl you want to be and forget the world.”

30.”Every girl’s dream = to eat without fat.”
31.“I am a girl. Do not touch my hair, face, phone or boyfriend. “
32.”Smart girls open their minds, easy girls open their legs, and foolish girls open their hearts.”
33.“It can be kind of cute when people are jealous. When the girls are jealous, World War III is about to begin. “
33.“It can be kind of cute when people are jealous. When the girls are jealous, World War III is about to begin. “
35.”It only takes a bad lover to realize that you deserve so much.”
36.“Treat me like a queen and I will treat you like a king. But if you treat me like a game, I will show you how it is played. “
37.”If a girl asks you to leave her alone and you really do, you don’t have any brain cells.”
38.”Better.” It is more about an attitude. High heels empower women in a way. “
39.”Boys lie more, but girls lie better.”
40.”Girls do what they want, boys do what they can.”