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40 Quotes About Justice | Justice Quotes | 35+ Justice quotes ideas | Justice Sayings | TOP 40 LAW AND JUSTICE QUOTES

40 Quotes About Justice

40 Quotes About Justice – The application of justice varies in every culture. Early theories of justice were established by the ancient Greek philosopher Plato in his work The Republic, and Aristotle in his Nicomachian Ethics.

Justice is a proper, harmonious relationship between the warring parts of the person or city.

Quotes About Justice

1.JRR. Tolkien,

Don’t be too eager to deal with death when judged. Not all ends can be seen even for the very wise. “

ellie wissel

2.Ellie Wissel

“There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there should never be a time when we fail to resist.”


3.Mahatma Gandhi

I will overcome untruth with truth. And on opposing untruth, I will face all sorrows.

4.George R. R. Martin,

And if you can’t do that, then the man probably doesn’t deserve to die. “

Justice Quotes

5.Terry Prachet,

Yes, but people believe that, or what is the matter- “
That’s what I’m saying. “

6.I West

“Women who play with fire must remember that there is smoke in their eyes.”

7.jk Rowling,

I want to carry out the murder that I was imprisoned.

40 Quotes About Justice

8.Shannon L. Elder

If you spend your time, hoping that someone will suffer the consequences you have done for your heart, then you are allowing them to hurt your mind a second time. “

9.Mahatma Gandhi

Truth never harms a cause.”

Quotes About Justice

10.Benjamin Franklin

“Justice will not be done unless they are unaffected.

11.CS Louis,

A man does not call a line crooked unless he has no idea of ​​a straight line. To whom was I comparing this universe when I called it unjust? “

Quotes About Justice (To Make You Question What Is Fair)

12.Martin Luther King Jr.

I decided to follow the latter course. “

13.Ernesto Che Guevara

“If you tremble with anger at every injustice, you are my companion.”

Law Quotes

14.Robert F. Kennedy

which can bring down the mighty walls of suppression and resistance. “

35+ Justice quotes ideas


“It is better to take the risk to save a guilty person than to convict an innocent.”

16.Martin Luther King Jr.

“Where there is no deep love, there cannot be deep despair.”

40 Quotes About Justice

17.Theodore Parker

“The arc of the moral universe is long, but it leans towards justice.”

18.Rick Riordan,

“Oh, come on!” Percy complained. Little I shrug my nose and eyebrow and wake up the whole earth? That’s not right! “

19.Marcus Tulius Cicero

Whoever disregards this law, whether written or unwritten, is necessarily unjust and wicked. “

20.Cornell West

“Don’t forget that justice is what love is seen in public.”

21.Ella Wheeler Wilcox

“Sin by remaining silent when they should resist makes men coward.”

40 Justice quotes that’ll tell you more about righteousness

22.Abraham Lincoln

“I have always found that mercy gives richer fruits than harsh justice.”

23.George RR Martin

The good act does not wash away the bad, nor does the evil act good. Each should have its own reward.

Justice Sayings

24.David Sedaris

“If you read someone else’s diary, you get what you deserve.”

25.Alexander I. Solzenitsyn,

We are breaking the foundations of justice from beneath new generations. “

26.Brian Stevenson

Every one of us is the worst thing we have ever done.

40 Quotes About Justice

27.George R. R. Martin,

“… a ruler who hides behind paid executioners soon forgets what death is.”


“Being rich and respected in an unjust society is an insult.”

29.Wendell Berry

It is a man’s privilege to live under the rules of justice and mercy. “

30.William Penn

Right, even if everyone is against it, and wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it.

31.George Washington

If this proverb had been generally adopted, wars would have stopped and our swords would soon have turned into reap hooks and our harvest would have been more peaceful, abundant and happy. “

32.Dwight D. Eisenhower

Democracy and justice are two sides of the same coin.


33.Cornell West

Never forget what justice looks like in public.

34.Albert Camus

I should be able to love my country and still love justice. – Albert Camus

35.Martin Luther King Jr.

Justice justice rolls like water and righteousness like a powerful stream

Justice Quotes from Successories Quote Database

36.Howard Xin

The poor do not always cry, but if you do not listen to it, you will never know what justice is.

37.Leigh Bardugo

Sometimes, the only way to get justice is to take it for ourselves.

Justice Sayings and Justice Quotes

38.Blaise Pascal

Justice and power have to be brought together, so that whatever is powerful is powerful, and whatever is powerful can be settled.

40 Quotes About Justice

39.Martin Luther

Justice is a temporary thing that must come to an end in the end; But the conscience is eternal and will never die.

40.Mahatma Gandhi

Curses never harm a cause.

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