40 Best Johnny Bravo Quotes And Sayings | Bravo quotes ideas | Brilliant Johnny Bravo Quotes

40 Best Johnny Bravo Quotes And Sayings

40 Best Johnny Bravo Quotes And Sayings

40 Best Johnny Bravo Quotes And Sayings – Johnny Bravo is an American animated television series produced by Van Partable for Cartoon Network, and the second of the network’s cartoon cartoons, which aired from July 14, 1997 to August 27, 2004. The series centers on the title character, a sunglasses-clad, muscular young man who lives with his mother and attempts to date women to her, though she is usually unsuccessful. He ends up in bizarre situations and prophecy, often with well-known guest characters such as Donnie Osmond or Adam West. Throughout its run, the show was known for its adult humor and pop culture references. Johnny himself is based on Elvis Presley.

40 Best Johnny Bravo Quotes And Sayings

1.Hey, Baby! Anyone ever guides you to have beautiful eyes?

2.Wanna see me brush my hair, truly quick?

3.Enough about you, we should discuss me, Johnny Bravo.

4.You look beautiful… I look lovely… for what reason don’t we return home and gaze at one another? – Bravo quotes ideas

johnny bravo sayings

5.Sweet. Expedite the Danish chicks and cream pop.

6.But enough about me… Let’s discuss this. What’s your opinion on me?

7.Hello, 911 Emergency? There’s an attractive person in my washroom! Hello, hold up a second. Drop that – it’s just me!

Quotes And Sayings

8.Now, recollect that, I do my best work when I’m being venerated as a divine being.

9._I wager your name’s Mickey, ’cause you’re so fine. You’re so fine you…

40 Best Johnny Bravo Quotes And Sayings

10_I am examining the vanishing of the considerable number of felines in the city… my front room is loaded with felines… that implies… (delay) I’m ravenous!

11._Hey Foxy Mama, You smell kinda beautiful. Wanna smell me? Hoohah!

Brilliant Johnny Bravo Quotes

12._Hey, Santa, it’s me, Johnny. Recall that I’m the one that beat you up a year ago ’cause I thought you were a criminal?

13._Pops? It’s me, Johnny! I couldn’t discover any doughnuts so I brought some tile grout!

14._’What do you think, Rubber Ducky?’ ‘Quack, quack.’ ‘precisely what I had in mind!’

johnny bravo quotes

15._Whaddaya mean? I got the hamster to haggle hamster nourishment allocator. (looks in the mirror) Oh no! She’s turnin’ me into a beautiful butterfly!

16._Mama mia. That is a hot meatball!.

17._I am Johnny Bravo, the exclusive armed force!

18._I wager your name’s Mickey, ’cause you’re so fine.

19._I wager your name’s Mickey, ’cause you’re so fine. You’re so fine you…

40 Best Johnny Bravo Quotes And Sayings

20._Mmm. Iced Sugar Bits. The extraordinary taste of iced sugar in bits.

Johnny Bravo Quotes And Sayings

21._Dog… jackass… Well, the two of them start with the letter N..

22._Great Scott. My pizza-sense is shivering.

23._Jinkies… isn’t that some kind of breakfast grain or something?

24._Mister, I don’t think you understand who you’re conversing with. I’m Johnny Bravo, the limited armed force!

25._My glasses! I can’t be seen without my glasses!

bravo quotes

26._Wanna watch my chest hair move in the moderate movement?

27._Hey, Baby! Anyone ever discloses to you I have beautiful eyes?

28._Enough about you, we should discuss me, Johnny Bravo.

29._I am Johnny Bravo, the exclusive armed force! uncle iroh quotes

40 Best Johnny Bravo Quotes And Sayings

30._Wanna see me brush my hair, truly quick?

31._You look pretty…I look pretty…why don’t we return home and gaze at one another?

40 Best Johnny Bravo

32._Hey there brilliant momma, typin’ plans?

33._I wager your name’s Mickey, ’cause you’re so fine. You’re so fine you…

34._But these letters! In the event that Santa doesn’t get these letters by today, I probably won’t get each one of those free introduces I requested. What’s more, whoever known about a Christmas without free stuff?

Bravo quotes ideas

35._Great Scott. My pizza-sense is shivering.

36._Do the Monkey with me

johnny bravo

37._Mmm. Iced Sugar Bits. The extraordinary taste of iced sugar in bits.

38._Sweet. Expedite the Danish chicks and cream pop.

39._Now, recollect that, I do my best work when I’m being revered as a divine being.

40._Hey, Santa, it’s me, Johnny. Recollect that I’m the one that beat you up a year ago ’cause I thought you were a thief?


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