25 BEST WhatsApp Status in 2021
25 BEST WhatsApp Status in 2021 – WhatsApp status is a great way to express yourself. Expressing one’s thoughts, ideas and feelings in an expressive and creative style is clearly written. WhatsApp Status shows how you can express your thoughts with words. Updating the status on WhatsApp or changing it from time to time simply defines the way you live or your lifestyle.

1.When the heart takes over, the mind can’t do a thing!!

2.I wont deny that I like you. Neither would I admit.
whatsapp about for love

3.I will love you forever until the end of time! No matter what you do! Cause you are my forever! And nothing you do will make my stop loving you

4.Place your time and energy on someone who will add sunshine to your life. Life is too short to waste on the wrong one.
love quotes for whatsapp

5.Thank you for coming into my life. For letting me feel this love that I have for you. Because not everybody is as lucky as I am… To be loved by you!
Quotes & Status

6.You are one of those beautiful things that happened to my life and made my life worthwhile
whatsapp about love quotes

7.I will love you forever. No matter what happens I’ll be there. Distance couldn’t take us apart – it will make us closer. B’Coz true love waits & never surrenders…
25 BEST WhatsApp Status in 2021

8.You looking most amazing,wonderful,fantastic,smart,charming, dazzing…
Top Best Love Quotes & Status

9.Every friendship dosen’t change into love but every love begins with friendship.
25 BEST WhatsApp Status in 2021

10.I always pray to God to tie us in a sacred knot so that we spend each and every moment together.
Love Status for Whatsapp

11.True love is when she talks non- stop and you are still interested in listening to her.

12.Don’t love too much, don’t care too much, don’t trust too much; because that too much can hurt you too much..

13.I don’t know if I like you or love you, want you or need you, all I know is I love the feeling I get when I’m near you.
25 BEST WhatsApp Status in 2021

14.If you expect something in return, It’s called business, not love.

15.I don’t need a burning sun and a cooling moon to show me my way. Just want you to hold me whenever I tumble.
25 BEST WhatsApp Status in 2021

16.Everyone thinks that love hurts.. But love never hurts.. Rejection hurts.. Loneliness hurts.. Love is the only feeling which covers all the pain…

17.I may not be versatile in showing off my love… But it hurts deep inside when you speak like you don’t understand a Damn!!!!
Best Love Wishes

18.Love + Trust + Honesty = Life Long Relationship 🙂
25 BEST WhatsApp Status in 2021

19.If you love 2 people at the same time, choose the second because if you really love the first you wouldn’t fall into the other one

20.The person who has truly loved you is the only one who has the strength to accept your mistakes and forgive you.
life quotes

21.Even though i’m away, in my heart I’m right by your side and here’s a hug from me to say, I love you a lot. Sweetheart.!

22.I Don’t need promise of the moon or the stars. Only promise i need is you’ll stay under them with me forever…
25 BEST WhatsApp Status in 2021

23.Sometimes you ask me what I want, What I really want is for you to want me the way I want you
Love Wishes

24.Love every one, so that every one loves u.. But be committed to only One.. So that everyone respects u…♥♥
25 BEST WhatsApp Status in 2021

25.Someone who truly loves you, won’t make you feel like you need to constantly fight for their attention.